Jestli chcete, aby vám neunikla žádná aktualizace tohoto webu, zaregistrujte si svoji e-mailovou adresu, na které budete pravidelně informováni o všech změnách, které se na těchto stránkách udály. Do dnešního dne již tak učinilo 222 osob.
01. 06. 2017
Kdo zakysl v nové verzi Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, jistě uvítá návod od Solarise104.
Nové tituly: Pang - zlikvidujte skákající balóny Shape Shifter - umístěte kostky do vyhrazeného prostoru Soldier of Light - vyčistěte galaxii od federálních infiltrátorů Space Junk - zničte všechny generátory
Návody: Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Shape Shifter
Mapy: 20 Tons, Apache Raid!!, Assault Course, Battlecars, Blizzard's Rift, Bonanza Bros., Carpet Capers, Dervish, Fridge Frenzy, Higgledy Piggledy, Jubbles, Mighty Magus, Nadral, Shape Shifter, Space Junk, Spitting Image, Super Pipeline 2, Thunder Jaws Demo, Treasure of Lumos
Pouky: Assault Course, Bonanza Bros., Shape Shifter
RZX videa: Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk
Původní manuály: Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk
Kazetové obálky: Alter Ego 2 - DreamWalker, Bouncing Bomb - Redux, Ooze, Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk
Recenze: Pang (Crash), Pang (Sinclair User), Pang (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Soldier of Light (Crash), Soldier of Light (Sinclair User), Soldier of Light (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Pang, Shape Shifter, Soldier of Light, Space Junk
01. 05. 2017
Uplynulo rovných 30 let od vydání první Dizzyovky na ZX Spectru. K této významné události byla vydaná zbrusu nová verze Crystal Kingdom Dizzy, která po vizuální stránce překonává všechny předešlé tituly na tomto osmibitu.
Nové tituly: Code Zero - předejděte nukleární katastrofě Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017) - dáreček k 30. výročí první Dizzyovky Stranded 1-2 - vyčistěte všechny dlaždice na hrací ploše
Návody: Foggy's Quest
Mapy: Action Farce 2, Battery's Not Precluded, Big Javi's Adventure, Code Zero, Con-Quest, Cuboid Captor, Dead Space, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove, Gloop, Goody (colour version), Judge Dredd, Quantum Gardening, Rallybug, Rod-Land (colour version), Sillycon War, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Survivors, Wolfcastle McBain
Pouky: Code Zero, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Farmer Jack - Treasure Trove, Globus, Quantum Gardening, Stranded 2.5
RZX videa: Code Zero, Ooze, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5
Původní manuály: Code Zero, Defender of the Crown, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Karlos und Schatze der Azteken, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Wanderers - Chained in the Dark
Kazetové obálky: Castlevania - Spectral Interlude, Dark, Future Looter, Heritage, Karlos und Schatze der Azteken, Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls, Monty's Honey Run, Mysterious Dimensions, Phaeton, Reductio ad Nihilum, Skyscraper of Doom, Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5, Streets of Doom, Tourmaline, W*H*B, Wanderers - Chained in the Dark
Recenze: 007 James Bond - Licence to Kill (Sinclair User), 007 James Bond - Live and Let Die (Sinclair User), 1942 (Sinclair User), 1943 - The Battle of Midway (Sinclair User), Advanced Pinball Simulator (Sinclair User), After the War 1 (Sinclair User), After the War 2 (Sinclair User), Afterburner (Sinclair User), Altered Beast (Sinclair User), Amazing Adventures of Robin Hood (Sinclair User), Amazing Adventures of Robin Hood (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Astro Marine Corps (Sinclair User), Barbarian (Sinclair User), Batman 2a - A Bird in the Hand (Sinclair User), Batman 2b - A Fete Worse than Death (Sinclair User), Beverly Hills Cop (Sinclair User), Black Beard (Sinclair User), Blinky's Scary School (Sinclair User), Bloodwych (Sinclair User), BMX Freestyle Simulator (Sinclair User), Cabal (Sinclair User), Captain Blood (Sinclair User), Carrier Command (Sinclair User), Castle Master 1 (Sinclair User), Cobra Force (Sinclair User), Crazy Cars 1 (Sinclair User), Crazy Cars 2 (Sinclair User), Cybernoid 2 - The Revenge (Sinclair User), Cycles (Sinclair User), Daley Thompson 3 - Olympic Challenge (Sinclair User), Dan Dare 3 - The Escape (Sinclair User), Defenders of the Earth (Sinclair User), Dizzy 2 - Treasure Island Dizzy (Sinclair User), Dizzy 3 - Fantasy World Dizzy (Sinclair User), Double Dragon 1 (Sinclair User), Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (Sinclair User), Draconus (Sinclair User), Dragon Ninja (Sinclair User), Elven Warrior (Sinclair User), Emlyn Hughes International Soccer (Sinclair User), Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters (Sinclair User), Fast Food Dizzy (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - 11 A Side Soccer (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Indoor Soccer (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Soccer Skills (Sinclair User), Four Soccer Simulators - Street Soccer (Sinclair User), Fox Fights Back (Sinclair User), Fruit Machine Simulator 2 (Sinclair User), G.I. Hero (Sinclair User), Game Over 2 - The Part One (Sinclair User), Game Over 2 - The Part Two (Sinclair User), Ghostbusters 2 (Sinclair User), Ghouls 'n' Ghosts (Sinclair User), Grand Prix Simulator 2 (Sinclair User), Gregory Loses His Clock (Sinclair User), H. A. T. E. - Hostile All Terrain Encounter (Sinclair User), Hammerfist (Sinclair User), Hard Drivin' (Sinclair User), Heartbroken (Sinclair User), Chase H.Q. 1 (Sinclair User), Chicago's 30 (Sinclair User), Impossamole (Sinclair User), Indiana Jones 3 - The Last Crusade (Sinclair User), Iron Lord (Sinclair User), Jocky Wilson's 1 - Darts Challenge (Sinclair User), Joe Blade 2 (Sinclair User), Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager (Sinclair User), Laser Squad (Sinclair User), Last Ninja 2 (Sinclair User), Lone Wolf 3 - The Mirror of Death (Sinclair User), Lords of Chaos (Sinclair User), Mad Mix 1 (Sinclair User), Myth - History in the Making (Sinclair User), Navy Moves 1 (Sinclair User), Navy Moves 2 (Sinclair User), New Zealand Story (Sinclair User), Operation Thunderbolt (Sinclair User), Operation Wolf (Sinclair User), Overlander (Sinclair User), Pac-Mania (Sinclair User), Ping Pong (Sinclair User), Pipe Mania (Sinclair User), Rainbow Islands (Sinclair User), Rambo 3 (Sinclair User), Real Ghostbusters (Sinclair User), Red Heat (Sinclair User), Renegade 3 - The Final Chapter (Sinclair User), Rex 1 (Sinclair User), Rex 2 (Sinclair User), Rick Dangerous 1 (Sinclair User), Robocop 1 (Sinclair User), R-Type (Sinclair User), Savage (Sinclair User), Shark (Sinclair User), Shinobi (Sinclair User), Silkworm (Sinclair User), Sly Spy - Secret Agent (Sinclair User), Soldier of Fortune (Sinclair User), Star Wars 2 - The Empire Strikes Back (Sinclair User), Star Wars 3 - Return of the Jedi (Sinclair User), Stormlord 1 (Sinclair User), Stormlord 2 - Deliverance (Sinclair User), Street Gang (Sinclair User), Stunt Car Racer (Sinclair User), Super Sports - The Olympic Challenge (Sinclair User), Super Tank Simulator (Sinclair User), Superkid 1 (Sinclair User), Task Force (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 1 - Mine Rescue (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 2 - Sub Crash (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 3 - Bank Job (Sinclair User), Thunderbirds 4 - Evil Hood (Sinclair User), Tiger Road (Sinclair User), Times of Lore (Sinclair User), Tintin on the Moon (Sinclair User), Titanic 1 (Sinclair User), Titanic 2 (Sinclair User), Toobin' (Sinclair User), Total Eclipse 1 (Sinclair User), Tusker (Sinclair User), Untouchables (Sinclair User), Vindicator (Sinclair User), Vindicators (Sinclair User), Way of the Exploding Fist 3 - Exploding Fist + (Sinclair User), Wec Le Mans (Sinclair User), Where Time Stood Still (Sinclair User), World Cup Soccer '90 (Sinclair User), Xenon (Sinclair User), Xenophobe (Sinclair User), Yogi's Great Escape (Sinclair User), Zybex (Sinclair User)
GIF videa: Code Zero, Dizzy 7 - Crystal Kingdom Dizzy (2017), Stranded 1, Stranded 2.5
01. 04. 2017
Na apríla tu máme novou aktualizaci, není však aprílová, je opravdu skutečná.
Nové tituly: Black Raven - i pořádnou real-time strategii si zahrajete na ZX Spectru Kung-Fu - zajímavě ztvárnené Kung Fu Ooze - slizem v kanalizačním systému Sidewalk - vezměte svou dívku na koncert oblíbené skupiny
Návody: Sidewalk
Mapy: Black Raven 1 - New Missions, Black Raven 1, Black Raven 2 (Demo), Cid, Computer Spiele Museum's Museum Guide, Globus, Kung-Fu, Mission Omega, Ooze, Rally Cross, Sidewalk, Takeout Freakout
Pouky: Black Raven, Cafe Turco Com Os Ex-Jugoslavos, Firewolf, Chuckie Egg 1, Jet Set Willy 2 - The Final Frontier, Ooze, Snake Pit, Steeple Jack, Takeout Freakout
RZX videa: Black Raven, Foggy's Quest, Kung-Fu, Party Worms, Sidewalk
K-Mouse tituly: Belegost, Flying Shark, Galactic Gunners, Light Force, Slap Fight, Xevious, Zybex
Původní manuály: Ooze, Professional Tennis Simulator, Sidewalk
Kazetové obálky: Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Deep Core Raider, Kung-Fu, Sidewalk, Toofy in Fan Land
Recenze: 007 James Bond - Living Daylights (Sinclair User), 3D Stock Cars 1 - Championship (Sinclair User), Action Force 1 (Sinclair User), Action Force 2 (Sinclair User), Agent X 2 - The Mad Prof's Back! (Sinclair User), Aliens 2 - Aliens US (Sinclair User), Andy Capp (Sinclair User), Arkanoid 2 - Revenge of Doh (Sinclair User), Army Moves 1 (Sinclair User), Army Moves 2 (Sinclair User), ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter) (Sinclair User), ATV Simulator (Sinclair User), Barbarian 1 (Sinclair User), Batman 3 - The Movie (Sinclair User), Beyond the Ice Palace (Sinclair User), Bionic Commando (Sinclair User), Boulder Dash 2 - Rockford's Riot (Sinclair User), Bubble Bobble (Sinclair User), Bubbler (Sinclair User), Buggy Boy (Sinclair User), Colossus 4 Chess (Sinclair User), Combat School (Sinclair User), Cybernoid 1 - The Fighting Machine (Sinclair User), Dan Dare 2 - Mekon's Revenge (Sinclair User), Dark Side (Sinclair User), Deflektor (Sinclair User), Dizzy 1 - Ultimate Cartoon Adventure (Sinclair User), Down to Earth (Sinclair User), Draughts Genius (Sinclair User), Driller (Sinclair User), Druid 2 - Enlightenment (Sinclair User), Exolon (Sinclair User), Fernando Martin Basket Master (Sinclair User), Firefly (Sinclair User), Flash Gordon (Sinclair User), Flintstones (Sinclair User), Flunky (Sinclair User), Flying Shark (Sinclair User), Freddy Hardest 1 (Sinclair User), Freddy Hardest 2 (Sinclair User), Fruit Machine Simulator 1 (Sinclair User), Game Over 1 - The Part One (Sinclair User), Game Over 1 - The Part Two (Sinclair User), Gauntlet 2 (Sinclair User), Grand Prix Simulator 1 (Sinclair User), Gryzor (Sinclair User), Gunrunner (Sinclair User), Gunship (Sinclair User), Hydrofool (Sinclair User), Chronos - A Tapestry of Time (Sinclair User), Ikari Warriors (Sinclair User), Indiana Jones 2 - The Temple of Doom (Sinclair User), International Karate + (Sinclair User), Jack the Nipper 2 - In Coconut Capers (Sinclair User), Jet Bike Simulator (Sinclair User), Joe Blade 1 (Sinclair User), Karnov (Sinclair User), Knightmare (Sinclair User), Krakout 1 (Sinclair User), Livingstone 1 - I Presume (Sinclair User), Mask 1 (Sinclair User), Mask 2 (Sinclair User), Mask 3 - Venom Strikes Back (Sinclair User), Match Day 2 (Sinclair User), Merlin (Sinclair User), Monty Mole 3 - Auf Wiedersehen Monty (Sinclair User), Motos (Sinclair User), Nebulus (Sinclair User), North Star (Sinclair User), Ocean Conqueror (Sinclair User), Platoon (Sinclair User), Predator 1 (Sinclair User), Professional Ski Simulator (Sinclair User), Race against Time for Sport Aid (Sinclair User), Rampage (Sinclair User), Ramparts (Sinclair User), Rastan (Sinclair User), Renegade 1 (Sinclair User), Renegade 2 - Target Renegade (Sinclair User), Rentakill Rita (Sinclair User), River Raid (Sinclair User), Road Runner (Sinclair User), Saboteur 2 - Avenging Angel (Sinclair User), Salamander (Sinclair User), Sidewalk (Crash), Sidewalk (Sinclair User), Sidewalk (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Sigma 7 (Sinclair User), Skate Crazy (Sinclair User), Slap Fight (Sinclair User), Soft & Cuddly (Sinclair User), Solomon's Key (Sinclair User), Star Wars 1 - A New Hope (Sinclair User), Street Hassle (Sinclair User), Super Hang-On (Sinclair User), Super Robin Hood (Sinclair User), Tai-Pan (Sinclair User), Ten-Pin Challenge (Sinclair User), Terramex (Sinclair User), Tetris 3 (Sinclair User), Thing! (Sinclair User), Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper (Sinclair User), Trap Door 2 - Through the Trap Door (Sinclair User), Wizball (Sinclair User), Xecutor (Sinclair User), Xevious (Sinclair User), Yogi Bear (Sinclair User), Zynaps (Sinclair User)
GIF videa: Black Raven, Foggy's Quest, Kung-Fu, Ooze, Party Worms, Sidewalk
K prodeji: Ocean Software - Operation Thunderbold
01. 03. 2017
Copak to tu máme – jeden sportovní titul, jednu čistokrevnou arkádu a dvě arkády s prvky adventure.
Nové tituly: Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead - další Eggheadovo dobrodružství Foggy's Quest - na výletě do jiné dimenze Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls - průzkum pyramidy během odpočinkové dovolené Ping Pong - co takhle si dát stolní tenis
Mapy: Atic Atac [2], Billy Box, Centurions, Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Foggy's Quest, Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest, Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure, Monty Mole and the Lost Souls, Slab Age, Willow Pattern Adventure
Pouky: Centurions, Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Foggy's Quest, Monty Mole and the Temple of the Lost Souls, Squares, Yankee in Iraq
RZX videa: Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Falling Down, Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest, Mask 1, Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls, Ping Pong
Původní manuály: Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Foggy's Quest, Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls, Ping Pong
Kazetové obálky: Foggy's Quest, Ping Pong
Recenze: Ping Pong (Crash), Ping Pong (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Cracking Day Out - Starring Egghead, Monty Mole and the Temple of Lost Souls, Ping Pong
01. 02. 2017
Doplnil jsem všechna chybějící GIF videa, tato krátká animovaná sekvence je tak nyní k dispozici u všech titulů zde na webu.
Nové tituly: Monty's Honey Run - posbírejte všechen ukradený med Skull & Crossbones - dva piráti bojují proti zlému čaroději Stela 1-2 - neřízená střela v akci
Mapy: Heroes Rescue, In the Walls of Eryx, Monty's Honey Run, Stela 1, Stela 2
Pouky: Monty's Honey Run, Stela 1
RZX videa: Aliens 2 - Aliens US, Druid 2 - Enlightenment, G.I. Hero, Monty's Honey Run, Skull & Crossbones, Stela 1, Stela 2
Původní manuály: Monty's Honey Run, Skull & Crossbones, Stela 2
Kazetové obálky: Skull & Crossbones
Recenze: Skull & Crossbones (Crash), Skull & Crossbones (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: 007 James Bond - View to a Kill, Alien, Aliens 1, Aliens 2 - Aliens US, ATF (Advanced Tactical Fighter), Battle Command, Cycles, Druid 2 - Enlightenment, Emilio Butragueno Futbol, Emlyn Hughes International Soccer, F-19 Stealth Fighter, Fighter Bomber, Freddy Hardest 3 - In South Manhattan, G.I. Hero, Gauntlet 2, Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest, Gunship, Kenny Dalglish Soccer Manager, Lords of Chaos, Monty's Honey Run, Multi-Player Soccer Manager, Nexus, Ocean Conqueror, Peloponéská válka, Professional Tennis Simulator, Rampage, Ramparts, Rupert 1 - The Toymaker's Party, Silent Service, Sim City, Skull & Crossbones, Space Crusade, Spitfire '40, Stela 1, Stela 2, Street Fighter 2 - The World Warrior, Super Hang-On, Tai-Pan, Tomahawk, Vindicator
01. 01. 2017
Po několika letech se mi podařilo zkompletovat sbírku většiny originálek od společnosti Proxima Software v digitální podobě. Na toto téma jsem připravil speciální článek, odkud si můžete stáhnout vše potřebné.
Nové tituly: Chimera - prozkoumejte nepřátelskou loď Round the Bend! - najděte všechny poztrácené stránky komiksu Snake Escape - protáhněte hada všude kolem Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers - vánoční zombí jatka
Návody: Chimera
Mapy: Round the Bend!, Snake Escape, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
Pouky: Frank 'N' Stein Rebooted, Happiest Days of Your Life, Harbinger - Convergence, Merry Christmas from Horace, Ms. Pac-man, Pietro Bros, Snake Escape, Steeple Jack, Stela 2, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
RZX videa: Chimera, Round the Bend!, Snake Escape, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
Původní manuály: Chimera, Round the Bend!, Snake Escape, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
Kazetové obálky: Chimera, Round the Bend!, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
Recenze: Chimera (Crash), Chimera (Sinclair User), Chimera (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Round the Bend! (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Chimera, Round the Bend!, Snake Escape, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers, Unofficial Zombo's Christmas Capers
Články: Proxima - kompletní přehled originálek
30. 11. 2016
Objevil se nový anglický překlad dalšího titulu od slovenského Ultrasoftu. Konkrétně se jedná o akční střílečku Komando 2, o překlad se postaral Daniel Száraz se Softhousem. Dále přikládám dva loňské překlady od Factora 6 týkající se her Boovie 2 a Piggy.
Nové tituly: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh - medvídek Pú musí zachránit Prasátko Harbinger - Convergence - osud lidstva je opět v ohrožení Chrimblast! - střílečka s vánoční tématikou Thing! - zabraňte vzniku mezigalaktického konfliktu
Návody: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Thing!
Mapy: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Combat Zone, Commando 2, Mayhem, National Flags, Omega One, Piggy, Pi-R Squared, Sabotage, Sonic Boom, Thing!, Xen
Pouky: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Frog Hopper, Omega One, Space Raiders, Xen
RZX videa: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Harbinger - Convergence, Chrimblast!, Thing!
Původní manuály: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Gauntlet 3 - The Final Quest, Harbinger - Convergence, Chrimblast!, Thing!
Kazetové obálky: Harbinger - Convergence, Thing!
Recenze: 180 Darts (Sinclair User), Aliens 1 (Sinclair User), Amaurote (Sinclair User), Arkanoid 1 (Sinclair User), Avenger (Sinclair User), Bazooka Bill (Sinclair User), BMX Simulator 1 (Sinclair User), Bobby Bearing (Sinclair User), Bomb Jack 2 (Sinclair User), Cauldron 2 - The Pumpkin Strikes Back (Sinclair User), Cobra (Sinclair User), Contact Sam Cruise (Sinclair User), Dan Dare 1 - Pilot of the Future (Sinclair User), Doctor What! (Sinclair User), Druid 1 (Sinclair User), Dynamite Dan 2 (Sinclair User), Eidolon (Sinclair User), Enduro Racer (Sinclair User), Fairlight 2 - A Trail of Darkness (Sinclair User), Feud (Sinclair User), Firelord (Sinclair User), Full Throttle 2 (Sinclair User), Gauntlet 1 (Sinclair User), Glider Rider (Sinclair User), Great Escape (Sinclair User), Head over Heels (Sinclair User), Heartland (Sinclair User), Ice Temple (Sinclair User), Into the Eagle's Nest (Sinclair User), Jack the Nipper 1 (Sinclair User), Kane (Sinclair User), King's Keep (Sinclair User), Light Force (Sinclair User), Martianoids (Sinclair User), Mega Bucks (Sinclair User), Nether Earth (Sinclair User), Ninja Master (Sinclair User), Nosferatu the Vampyre (Sinclair User), Olli & Lissa 1 - Ghost of Shilmoore Castle (Sinclair User), Paperboy 1 (Sinclair User), Phantomas 1 (Sinclair User), Rebelstar 1 (Sinclair User), Rupert 2 - The Ice Castle (Sinclair User), Sacred Armour of Antiriad (Sinclair User), Sceptre of Bagdad (Sinclair User), Sentinel (Sinclair User), Shao-Lin's Road (Sinclair User), Silent Service (Sinclair User), Stainless Steel (Sinclair User), Storm (Sinclair User), Tantalus (Sinclair User), Thanatos (Sinclair User), Thing! (Crash), Thing! (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Toadrunner (Sinclair User), Trap Door 1 (Sinclair User), Universal Hero (Sinclair User), Uridium (Sinclair User), Way of the Exploding Fist 2 - The Legend Continues (Sinclair User), Xeno (Sinclair User)
Rekordy: Bruce Lee, Zorro
GIF videa: Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Harbinger - Convergence, Chrimblast!, Thing!
Články: English translations of Czech and Slovak games (Boovie 2, Commando 2, Piggy)
01. 11. 2016
Prvním emulátorem, který plně podporuje externí klávesnici Recreated ZX Spectrum, se stává ... chvilka napětí ... emulátor Fuse ve své nejnovější verzi 1.3.0.
Rovněž by se slušelo dodat, že tento web se dožívá úctyhodných patnácti let své existence.
Období | Hry | Návody | Mapy | Pouky | Remaky | RZX videa |
11/2002 | 268 | 062 | 0154 | 1949 | - | - |
11/2003 | 408 | 101 | 0249 | 2103 | 029 | 044 |
11/2004 | 517 | 117 | 0410 | 2320 | 060 | 145 |
11/2005 | 551 | 151 | 0586 | 2538 | 067 | 295 |
11/2006 | 554 | 160 | 0780 | 2648 | 076 | 333 |
11/2007 | 556 | 173 | 0976 | 2751 | 077 | 354 |
11/2008 | 559 | 176 | 1104 | 2812 | 080 | 382 |
11/2009 | 611 | 191 | 1221 | 2900 | 089 | 480 |
11/2010 | 661 | 225 | 1335 | 2978 | 090 | 541 |
11/2011 | 715 | 262 | 1515 | 3036 | 142 | 618 |
11/2012 | 759 | 274 | 1776 | 3093 | 144 | 685 |
11/2013 | 811 | 284 | 1959 | 3184 | 147 | 745 |
11/2014 | 856 | 298 | 2046 | 3238 | 148 | 798 |
11/2015 | 905 | 313 | 2114 | 3374 | 151 | 850 |
11/2016 | 951 | 317 | 2190 | 3451 | 153 | 898 |
11/2017 | 995 | 331 | 2325 | 3516 | 153 | 951 |
Nové tituly: Ice Temple - zničte reaktor na zamrzlé planetě Mysterious Dimensions - sbírejte diamanty a další poklady Rentakill Rita - vyčistěta staré panství od veškeré havěti
Mapy: Adventures of Chipolin, Harbinger - Convergence, Homer Simpson 2 - In Russia Again, Knight Ghost, Mysterious Dimensions, Rentakill Rita
Pouky: Harbinger - Convergence, Hobbit (Melbourne House), Horace 2 - Horace Goes Skiing
RZX videa: Ice Temple, Mysterious Dimensions, Rentakill Rita
Původní manuály: Ice Temple, Mysterious Dimensions, Rentakill Rita
Kazetové obálky: Ice Temple, Knightmare 2 ZX, Rentakill Rita
Emulátory: Fuse 1.3.0
Recenze: Ice Temple (Crash), Ice Temple (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Rentakill Rita (Crash), Rentakill Rita (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Ice Temple, Mysterious Dimensions, Rentakill Rita
01. 10. 2016
Pac-Man a Technician Ted - dvě klasiky z počátků herní historie ZX Spectra.
Nové tituly: Cap'n Rescue 3 - zlomte kouzlo mocné čarodějnice Pac-Man - vyzobejte všechny tečky v bludišti Sewer Rage - hovna z kanálu vytékají Technician Ted - splňte všechny úkoly svého nesnesitelného šéfa
Mapy: Cap'n Rescue 3 - Reprisal, Smagly 1, Technician Ted, Zunny 1, Zunny 2
Pouky: Cap'n Rescue 3 - Reprisal, Strange Kitchen
RZX videa: Pac-Man, Sewer Rage, Technician Ted
Původní manuály: Mezi věžemi, Pac-Man, Sewer Rage, Technician Ted
Kazetové obálky: Pac-Man, Sewer Rage, Technician Ted
Recenze: Aladdin's Cave (Sinclair User), Alien Highway (Sinclair User), Arc of Yesod (Sinclair User), Beach-Head 2 (Sinclair User), Benny Hill's Madcap Chase (Sinclair User), Bomb Jack 1 (Sinclair User), Cyberun (Sinclair User), Equinox (Sinclair User), Ghosts 'n' Goblins (Sinclair User), Gunfright (Sinclair User), Legend of the Amazon Women (Sinclair User), Mikie (Sinclair User), N. O. M. A. D. (Sinclair User), Pac-Man (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Pentagram (Sinclair User), Rambo 2 (Sinclair User), Robin of the Wood (Sinclair User), Roller Coaster (Sinclair User), Show Jumping (Sinclair User), Spiky Harold (Sinclair User), Spindizzy (Sinclair User), Sweevo's Whirled (Sinclair User), Sweevo's World (Sinclair User), Technician Ted (Crash), Technician Ted (Sinclair User), Technician Ted (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Terminator 2 - Judgement Day (Sinclair User), Transformers (Sinclair User), West Bank (Sinclair User), Who Dares Wins 2 (Sinclair User), Yie Ar Kung Fu 1 (Sinclair User), Zorro (Sinclair User)
GIF videa: Pac-Man, Sewer Rage, Technician Ted
31. 08. 2016
Srpnovým titulům vévodí skvělá detektivní adventura Sam Mallard, která se v těchto posledních dnech prázdnin urodila.
Nové tituly: Angry Birds (Opposition) - postřílejte co nejvíce rozzuřených ptáků Rebelstar 1-2 - strategická hra ze vzdálené budoucnosti Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan - detektivní textovka v žánru noir Upír - v polorozbořeném hradu číhá upír
Návody: Driller, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Total Eclipse 1
Mapy: 48 Irons, Angry Birds (Opposition), Crime Santa Clause 1, Crime Santa Clause 2, Crime Santa Clause 3 - Deja Vu, Driller, Homer Simpson 1 - In Russia, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Sector 90, Sewer Rage, Sliders, Steeple Jack, Total Eclipse 1, Wizard of Land Oz
Pouky: Angry Birds (Opposition), Exterminator (Microbyte), Homer Simpson 2 - In Russia Again, Sewer Rage, Yankee in Iraq
RZX videa: Angry Birds (Opposition), Rebelstar 1, Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Upír
Původní manuály: Altered Beast, Rebelstar 1, Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Upír
Kazetové obálky: Rebelstar 1, Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan
Recenze: Rebelstar 1 (Crash), Rebelstar 1 (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter (Crash), Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Angry Birds (Opposition), Rebelstar 1, Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter, Sam Mallard - The Case of the Missing Swan, Upír
31. 07. 2016
S dostatečným množstvím invence se i v nejnovější verzi Churrera enginu dají dělat zajímavé a originální hry, důkazem toho je titul Car Wars.
Nové tituly: Car Wars - bláznivá jízda ulicemi Dark - temné síly napadly zemi Flame Princess Adventure Time - princezna zachraňuje Finna Vallation - unikněte z planety plné pirátů
Mapy: Blood 'n' Guts, Car Wars, CORE, Double Bubble, Firestorm, Flame Princess Adventure Time, TimeTrax, Vallation
Pouky: Booty, Car Wars, Costa Capers, Double Bubble, Flame Princess Adventure Time, Chuckie Egg 1, Rotten Eggs, Saboteur 1, Strontium Dog - The Killing, Three Weeks in Paradise, Vallation
RZX videa: Car Wars, Dark, Flame Princess Adventure Time, Seahawk, Vallation
Původní manuály: Boulder Dash 4, Car Wars, Cycles, Dark, Flame Princess Adventure Time, Multi-Player Soccer Manager, Seahawk, Vallation
Recenze: Chaos (Sinclair User), Chaos (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Lazy Jones (Crash), Lazy Jones (Sinclair User), Zombie Zombie (Sinclair User)
GIF videa: Car Wars, Dark, Flame Princess Adventure Time, Vallation
01. 07. 2016
Jako aktivní cyklista, jsem již déle nemohl trpět situaci, kdy na tomto webu chyběla hra věnující se této tématice. Nakonec jsem vybral titul Tour 91, který nabízí perfektní vizuální podívanou, samozřejmě v mantinelech, které skýtají technické možnosti ZX Spectra.
Nové tituly: Knightmare 2 ZX - pátrání po devíti prokletých předmětech Ninja - zachraňte krásnou princeznu Tour 91 - cyklistika dokáže být pořádná dřina Tourmaline - jeskyně plné diamantů
Mapy: Dark, Doom, Knightmare 2 ZX, Rebelstar 1, Rebelstar 2 - Alien Encounter, Tourmaline, Viking Quest 3
Pouky: Dark (Oleg Origin), Ninja, Tour 91
RZX videa: Doom, Knightmare 2 ZX, Ninja, Tour 91, Tourmaline
Původní manuály: Knightmare 2 ZX, Ninja, Tour 91, Tourmaline
Kazetové obálky: Ninja, Tour 91
Recenze: Ninja (Crash), Ninja (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Knightmare 2 ZX, Ninja, Tour 91, Tourmaline
31. 05. 2016
Jedna novinka a tři historické klasiky, to může nabídnout květnový update.
Nové tituly: Deep Core Raider - vesmírnou těžbou k bohatství Chaos - taktický souboj mágů v aréně Sweevo's Whirled - nemotorný robot Sweevo v akci Sweevo's World - nemotorný robot Sweevo v akci
Návody: Chaos
Mapy: Against the Elements (ZX81 - Chroma Interface), Against the Elements (ZX81), Arkos, Gruta de los Cuatro Diamantes, Hammer-Head, Hypsys, Jack y el Arca Maravillosa, Stroper, Tour 91
Pouky: Bubble Frenzy, Good Night Kanga, Hammer-head, Lamega, Magical Tower Andveture, Popeye, Tourmaline
RZX videa: Deep Core Raider, Chaos, Nexus, Sweevo's Whirled, Sweevo's World
Původní manuály: Deep Core Raider, Ghost Castle 1, Chaos, Sweevo's World
Kazetové obálky: Captain Drexx, Ghost Castle 1, Chaos, More Tea, Vicar?, Sweevo's World
Recenze: Chaos (Crash), Sweevo's World (Crash), Sweevo's World (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: Deep Core Raider, Chaos, Sweevo's Whirled, Sweevo's World
01. 05. 2016
V dubnové aktualizaci jsem se zaměřil hlavně na španělské tituly, kde se to ještě stále hemží kvalitními kousky, které zde na webu chyběly.
Nové tituly: 3DC - námořníkovi se porouchala ponorka Capitan Sevilla 1-2 - neohrožený hrdina v akci Turbo Girl - drsňačka řádí na motorce
Návody: 3DC
Mapy: Deep Core Raider, Elopement - Back to the Earth, Fizzy, Jump, Mr. Vintik, Petter the Pacifist, Piso Zero, Space 7, Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Pouky: Castaway, Dark Castle, Deep Core Raider, Descending Dungeons, Earth Shaker, Lightfire, Lupo Alberto, Mr. Vintik, RGBobots, Thunderturds 2
Remaky: Capitan Sevilla, Turbo Girl
RZX videa: 3DC, Capitan Sevilla 1, Capitan Sevilla 2, Turbo Girl
Původní manuály: 3DC, Capitan Sevilla 1, Capitan Sevilla 2, Deadly Evil, Turbo Girl
Kazetové obálky: 3DC, Capitan Sevilla 1, Capitan Sevilla 2, Turbo Girl
Utility: ZX Screen Snapper 2.92
Recenze: 3DC (Crash), Turbo Girl (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
GIF videa: 3DC, Capitan Sevilla 1, Capitan Sevilla 2, Turbo Girl
31. 03. 2016
S koncem měsíce nesmí chybět nový příděl her.
Nové tituly: Dark Castle - všude tma jako v ... Seto Taisho vs Yokai - neohrožený japonský bojovník Tiger Road - zachraňte unesené děti Xenophobe - vyčistěte vesmírné stanice od nezvaných vetřelců
Mapy: Dark Castle, Everyone's a Wally, Fist-RO Fighter, Hysteria, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Sgrizam, Tiger Road, Turbo Girl, Xenophobe
Pouky: Dark Castle, Fist-RO Fighter, Jet Set Willy - The Nightmare Edition, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Sgrizam, Super Robin Hood
RZX videa: Dark Castle, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Tiger Road, Xenophobe
Původní manuály: Dark Castle, Full Throttle 2, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Tiger Road, Xenophobe
Kazetové obálky: Dark Castle, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Tiger Road, Xenophobe
Recenze: Cookie (Crash), Horace 1 - Hungry Horace (Sinclair User), Jetpac (Sinclair User), Pssst (Sinclair User), Tiger Road (Crash), Tiger Road (Your Sinclair/Spectrum), Xenophobe (Crash), Xenophobe (Your Sinclair/Spectrum)
Rekordy: Bruce Lee, Crux 92, Cybernoid 1 - The Fighting Machine, Daley Thompson 1 - Decathlon, Exolon, Galactic Gunners, Green Beret, Harrier Attack, Highway Encounter, Jet-Story, Krakout 1, Manic Miner 1, Renegade 1, Split Personalities, Starquake, Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles 1, Thanatos
GIF videa: Dark Castle, Seto Taisho vs Yokai, Tiger Road, Xenophobe
Vyhledávaní v novinkách
Počet záznamů: 91-105/388