Label: Players Premiere
Author: In House
Price: £2.99
Memory: 48K/+2/A
Joystick: Various
Reviewer: Charles Wood
You're small, mean, cute and deadly - you're The Shark.
The evil alien snake brothers have taken over the top secret underwater base Atlantic 5. You, as the shark have to find the alien snake brothers and recover Atlantic 5 from them. Your first level mission is to destroy the 3 reactor like doobries before entering the maze like lair of the sanke brothers on level 2. In level 3 you must find the dubious duo and make a pair of shoes out of them. (Actually, you only need to kill them.
The game is similar to Cybernoid. Flip screen, selectable weaponry and a familiar feel to the gameplay. The graphics are very good; nice detailed submarines and aliens all moing on a tight background. Sound is excellent with a bouncy tune playing throughout.
Shark is very addictive - one of those "just one more go" games. Overall, a very good little game and well worth the cash.
Label: Players Premiere
Author: In House
Price: £2.99
Memory: 48K/+2/A
Joystick: Various
Reviewer: Garth Sumpter
What can I say? Charles has said it all. Shark is an okay game. The graphics are tight and the story line, although a little tenuous, gives just enough plot to justify shooting anything that moves. It's a little slow for any of the mega death chappies out there but it might just be worth spending a few bob on.
Control is a wee bit difficult with the joystick (in fact I couldn't get it to work with a +3) but the keyboard is straight forward enough for even the most arthritic arcadester.
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