The Dukes of Hazzard

Elite Systems Ltd
Your Spectrum Issue 15, Jun 1985   page(s) 54

Dave: Was I looking forward to a nice dodge and weave car chase! What I got was a great let-down.

Your task is to motor the General Lee (that's your wheels, not some big wheel in the army}, to the start of the Hazzard County Road Race. There the Duke Boys aim to win first prize and avoid handing the General over to Boss Hogg.

The screen shows a side view of the cars cruising along the road with the mountains scrolling in the background. Chasing you is the Sheriff as well as a couple of airborne enemies in the shape of a helicopter and a balloon. You've also got to play chicken with cars coming the other way.

The programmer's had a crack at 3D graphics - and come a cropper - when you change lines your car appears to move backwards and forward but the collision detection just can't handle it. And what wally chose the controls? You have to hit a key repeatedly (or wiggle the joystick) just to accelerate, which is a complete waste of time and energy. This game's an OK sort of idea with some decent graphics - it's just a shame about how it was done. 1/5

Ross: New graphics and a new name don't add up to a new game. And you'd think they'd have done a better job on the collision detection in a car-chase game. 1/5 MISS

Roger Lacks the precision of control necessary for exciting crash-bang-wallop driving stuff and it's just not funny enough. 2/5 MISS

Dave: 1/5
Ross: 1/5
Roger: 2/5

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Your Computer Issue 5, May 1985   page(s) 45


Them good ol' boys can now just roll along your Spectrum. The screen display is excellent and the game is rather more playable than some of Elite's previous offerings.

Up to now the company's main achievement has been the holographic label on the outside of the cassette.

The Duke boys have to make it to the start line of the road race but helicopters, Hell's Angels, and of course, Boss Hog, all conspire against them.

They drive along the motorway changing lanes and chucking bombs at oncoming vehicles. More fun than a traffic jam.

Overall: 3/5

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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