
by Don Priestley
DK'Tronics Ltd
Crash Issue 1, Feb 1984   page(s) 61

Producer: DK Tronics, 48K

One of the best early games from DK. You've just become President of Ritimba, an equatorial banana republic. Your reign will be brief and unenviable. How long can you survive your greedy and hated secret police, bullying army, irritating guerillas, bothersome commies, snot-nose landlowners and revolting peasants? Money may be borrowed from the Russians or Americans (if they feel like it). As the game progresses the options run short. Can you make it too wealthy exile or will you die at your post? Recommended.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 2, Mar 1984   page(s) 63

Producer: DK Tronics, 48K

One of the best early games from DK. You've just become President of Ritimba, an equatorial banana republic. Your reign will be brief and unenviable. How long can you survive your greedy and hated secret police, bullying army, irritating guerillas, bothersome commies, snot-nose landlowners and revolting peasants? Money may be borrowed from the Russians or Americans (if they feel like it). As the game progresses the options run short. Can you make it too wealthy exile or will you die at your post? Recommended.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

Crash Issue 4, May 1984   page(s) 68

Producer: DK Tronics, 48K

One of the best early games from DK. You've just become President of Ritimba, an equatorial banana republic. Your reign will be brief and unenviable. How long can you survive your greedy and hated secret police, bullying army, irritating guerillas, bothersome commies, snot-nose landlowners and revolting peasants? Money may be borrowed from the Russians or Americans (if they feel like it). As the game progresses the options run short. Can you make it too wealthy exile or will you die at your post? Recommended.

Transcript by Chris Bourne

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