Ghost Castle 1 Credits Coding: CodenameV Graphics: BiNMaN Story A long time ago in a Ghost Castle far far away... I never did beleive in ghosts until I became one. Sacrificed on the first full moon of the new millenium. For eons I have trav- elled these halls waiting for the time I can be whole again. And now that time is almost upn me, for the new millenium fast approaches and my quest for the fabled resurrection amulet, somewhere within the deeps of the Darkest Woods, can begin. But first I must leave the confines of this Ghost Castle. Now that you are trapped in the Ghost Castle you need to find the treasure and escape through the trap door on each floor, from the attic to the entrance hall and avoid contact with the ghouls and monsters. Contols Keyboard QAOP and SPACE to fire Kemptson H to pause Loading Although this is a 48k Spectrum game, it is compatable with the 128K